Selling honey and beeswax is a growing business market in many parts of the world. Local honey is thought to be helpful with allergies. Beeswax is used for candles, cosmetics, woodworking, and numerous other applications. You may even want to build your own hives to sell to others.
With this in mind, you will need to decide what direction you want to go with your beekeeping business. You may decide to specialize in a certain aspect of beekeeping, such as selling beekeeping supplies, selling honey or beeswax, or by selling products such as lips balms or salves made with beeswax.
You also need to make sure you learn the art of beekeeping in order to have a renewable resource for your bee-related products.
When choosing a name for your company, you may wish to feature your specialty in the name, so customers would immediately know what your business is about. Another option is to keep a more general name, and use marketing materials to highlight your key product. When choosing a name for your bee-related business, keep in mind that many people have no idea what an apiary is.
Below are a few name ideas for your apiary, honey, or beeswax business. (Some company names are ideas, while others are actual businesses, so make sure the name is available for use before fully planning your business). There are a number of reasons why you should register your own website domain name for your business at this time also.
You can check for website name availability and get a FREE domain with web hosting purchase here.
How To Make Your Own Business Website
How To Start A Business In Your State
-Helpful Books on Starting a Successful Beekeeping Business
If you need some more tips on choosing a business name: 12 Tips To Help Choose A Business Name.
Top Selling Beekeeping Tools and Accessories
Bee Business Names
- Burt’s Bees
- Honey Grove
- Honey Valley
- Sunshine Apiary
- Mind Your Own Beeswax
- Bree’s Bees
- Bee Happy
- Family Apiary
- Hive and Honey
- Bee Good
- Honey Farms
- Wild Honey
- Peaceful Bee Company
- Heartland Honey
- Honeycomb Harvest
- From the Hive
- Nature’s Nectar
- Sweet Bee
- Urban Bee
- Beneficial Beeswax
- Zax Bees Wax
- Bee Loved
- Blessed Beekeepers
- Hedy’s Beeswax Company
- Blue Haven Bee Company
- Dancing Bear Apiary
- Happiary